Sunday, August 1, 2010

Here We Go...

So today is the day. I have no clue why but I had to wait to start the first entry on the first of the month. (and how the "other" firsts flown by) I am sure my sister would shout OCD... maybe it's a true. Anyway, that is not of importance right now. Today is the first so without further ado... Welcome to chaos in the form of my blog.
I wish or rather, hope to be committed to being a regular here. OH, and that's my argument against me have OCD... I am have such a spastic schedule and it doesn't freak me out.... not one bit Or is that from raising five children? Or maybe having ADHD.... nah. I am sure it's the five children.
So here's a little window into our life right now...
We just returned from a wonderful trip to California... our first time out there. My sister, Kate and Isaac wed. It was absolutely GORGEOUS. I went to Cali with the notion I would not like it there. To my surprise I LOVED it. The weather was great, the people were nice and the traffic wasn't as bad I had pictured... let me explain. There was so many people. They were always outside, being active, enjoying life. There were so many cars with little road rage. It was crazy. We enjoyed the city... Los Angeles. We enjoyed the mountains... Mt. Baldy. We enjoyed the desert.... Lancaster. And we enjoyed the ocean... Laguna Beach, Santa Monica Beach and my favorite Manhattan Beach, which was just quaint. We enjoyed the aquarium there and got to know some of the locals. Uncle Bill's Pancacke House is delicious and was super gracious to the kids and me (Brent was returning the rental and I was exploring the beach alone... with five kids).
Though, I do admit, I did miss the country. It was nice to see green, in form of corn fields and grass, when we returned home. So for now, Ohio will remain our home... unless, of course, God opens a door for us to relocate.
We are getting things ready to begin our school year. I am going a bit crazy. We have decided to let Johanna begin kindergarten. So I go from one to three in school this year. All in my hand of responsibility! YIKES! Crazy, I know. Once things get in order here, excitement will set in... with the kids and with me.
Which, reminds me, I should jump back over to organizing our school things. So...Stay tuned, I am sure I will be back soon.

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